Our trainings

Our team has over 15 years of experience delivering high quality trainings, whether in formal school environment, adult education, or within organizations and companies. Our training courses are facilitated by qualified professionals with proven experience to ensure the best adaptation of the content to the demands of today's labour market. We favour participatory and innovative pedagogical approaches designed to incentive and maximize motivation and autonomy of participants.

FLD | Training Cape Verde

Competence based approach (APC)

Target groups: School, educators, teachers and other professionals in the education sector.
Hours: – 16 h
The new curriculum revision of the Cape Verdean education system aims for the full integration of Competence based approach (APC) from the academic year 2014/2015. This approach is designed to complement the approach by objectives, putting more emphasis on the integration of acquired knowledge and promoting the ability of students to mobilize their learnings to solve daily problems. But, what exactly changes in day-to-day activities for the teachers? How to create a problem situation? What are the best remediation strategies? How does a manager can assess what your school is implementing APC correctly? This training aims to create a safe and practical space where teachers, educators and technical education sector can clarify these doubts, gain confidence with the new approach and get better results.

FLD | Training Cape Verde

Creativity for everyone!

Target group: Everyone
Hours: 21h
Creativity is the key to truly develop our skills. Whether at a personal or a professional level, we are confronted with the need of going beyond the task and discover new potential solutions to our context. It is essential for further development that we can be able to rediscover what we do from a creative perspective so to be able to create unique products and innovative services. A personal touch can transform any experience into something special and memorable. This laboratory aims to create a safe and inspiring space where each person can find their creative voice. We will present a number of challenges that will invite participants to create - in terms of image, sound and word - through contact with various materials and production techniques. The goal is for participants to discover how are inhabit by a very creative person. This training can be custom-designed to match any organization's needs.

FLD | Training Cape Verde

Creativity and pedagogy

Target group:Teachers, educators, trainers and facilitators.
Hours: 30h
If you believe that teaching need not be a boring and repetitive task, then this training is for you. In this lab we will challenge educators to explore new ways of teaching and to discover the creativity in the educational process. We will rediscover the game as a privileged educational tool to understand how to use our body and voice in the context of the classroom, and enhance the autonomous creation and creation group as complex and playful challenges that fuel the desire to learn. This training can be custom-designed to match exactly your organization's needs.

If you need more information on our trainings or if you want to creatively work on your content please do contact us!